How to Prepare for SSC CGL 2017
Hello there! Welcome to this page where you will come to know about the study plan and other essential things that must be learnt in order to the SSC CGL Tier 1 and 2 Exam. So, those candidates who are looking for “How to Prepare for SSC CGL 2017” are highly suggested check this page out and be the first of others to pass this exam. We make all seekers sure that this exam is not as easy as the contenders think it is. To crack this exam, the candidates might have a break a sweat. So, by reading this page completely, you will get to know the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Study Plan 2017 so that you can do efficient time management.
The SSC CGL is an examination is also known as Combined Graduate Level Exam. This exam is conducted in three (3) tiers that are tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3. The Tier 1 exam is based on objective type questions. After the successful qualification in the tier 1 exam, you are called for the Tier 2 exam and if the same is qualified too, finally the conduction of Interview takes place which is treated as the Tier 3 round. Among the others, the tier 1 is considered to be the easiest round as compared to Tier 2 and Tier 3.
How to Prepare for SSC CGL 2017
Apart from the syllabus and the exam pattern of this examination, we are going to tell you about the Exam Study Plan or Time Management so that you can easily take the best of available time. Candidates have been searching for the best way to crack this exam and that is why you have come on this page to know Tips to SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam 2017. Just follow the steps as mentioned below and you will surely be able to pass this exam with good marks. There are various subjects that this tier 1 exam is based on. These are as follows:
- General Awareness
- Reasoning
- Quantitative Aptitude
- English
Time Management:
The time management is essential for all student or aspirants in order to achieve good marks in the exam. From the date you are making a schedule for the preparation of the exam, you have to check how many days are left to stick to the SSC SGL Exam Preparation. After getting the total number of days, the candidates have to make a list of the total subject and assign the time to each subject. The most important and coming-first exam should be given a high priority.
Preparation for General Awareness:
To go grab the opportunity of cracking this competitive exam, the candidates need to study as per the management. To do the study on General Awareness, the candidates need to be aware of the current news and updates that not only take place around them but also round other places. There are a lot of books that are available in the market for buying. If you cannot afford to go to the market, you can also buy books for preparation online.
Preparation for Reasoning
In this section, mathematical questions are not asked. But it is checked whether you believe in optimism, pessimism or guy-ism. There are various subjects that are covered in this, such as Seating Arrangements, Coding-Decoding, Directions, etc. In order to have perfection in reasoning, the candidates have to prepare for the same. For reasoning, there are also various books available that you can take help from these books, such as R.S. Agrawal, you can also check books from other online websites, such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc.
Preparation for Quantitative Aptitude
This is one of the most important subjects. This is the subject in which the most time of the candidates should be devoted. Try solving the qualitative aptitude questions. You should know that in this subject, practice matters most. So make a schedule and do prepare for the exam. Also, solve previous year’ questions. This will help you get an edge over those questions which were there in the last year exam papers.
Preparation for English
This is also a significant subject to study. In this exam, you do not know which idiom or phrase might come in the exam. You need to learn the rule of Grammar, Synonyms and Antonyms, Vocabulary, Unseen Passages, Comprehension, Error correction and other related stuff.
Buy Books Online:
You can go on buying books online. This can be done by visiting many good e-shopping markets like Amazon, Flipkart, and many other websites.
Keep Practicing:
You may not learn all of this stuff in the beginning, but when you start doing again and again by resolving the mistakes that you did, you will surely get the upper hand over the preparing and get good marks in the SSC CGL exam.
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