Character Certificate Form
Character Certificate Form or Charitra Praman Patra has been very important documents for the applicants which is issue by the government organization and by the any government authority. Today in India character certificate is required in every organization and in the job profile. So applicants will make your Character Certificate Form Charitra Praman Patra (Hindi/English) with the help of given authority.
Today, the character certificate will be required in the time of interview. Through this applicant character will be shown and your character certificate helps to get the job and any other required goal. This certificate is required in the proof of your moral conduct. Lots of applicants don’t know the importance of character certificate and where we are make your character certificate.
So for helping those applicants we are define the list which help to make your Charitra Praman Patra and also format for the character certificate so applicants make your certificate through these locations. We are here simple way to get your character certificate.
Importance of Character Certificate: that time character certificate is the very important document for helping the applicant in the every field like job, interview etc. so those applicants who will not create your character certificate we are humble request to all please create your character certificate with the help of given list and used in the every required field.
List to Obtain Character certificate:
Here we provide you the list of those persons who can issue character certificate to you in the best and easiest way to issues it so applicants get your character certificate with the help of these members and authority:
- College or school principal
- Your local counselor
- Any gazette officer
- Any other reputed person who is not related to you
Format of Charitra Praman Patra
The format for the Certificate of Character has been given below:
Certificate of Character
Certified that I have known ……………………………………………………… (write your name here) ……………………………………S/o …………………………………… (write your father's name here) ………………………………………………………………………… of …………………………………… (write your full postal address) ………………………………… for ………………… (duration in years for example 5 years or 10 years)_____ and that to the best of my knowledge and belief he/she (as per your gender) bears reputation character and has no antecedents which render him unsuitable for Government Employment. Mr. or Miss or Mrs. (as per your case) ………………… (your name) …………… is not related to me. I wish him/her (as per your gender) all success in all his/her (as per your gender) future endeavors. Place : ………………………………. Date : ………………………………. ---------------------------- Signature : ………………………………. Designation with official seal |
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